Reiki by Kelly Hathaway

Reiki by Kelly HathawayReiki by Kelly HathawayReiki by Kelly Hathaway

Step in to healing














A little about me!

I began receiving Reiki treatments in 2011 as a way to cope with grief.  I was surprised at the amount of progress I was able to make and just how good I felt after sessions - both physically and emotionally.  

It became my goal to assist others with their own healing by using Reiki. 

I began taking classes to learn Reiki in 2012 with a Reiki Master.  Since that time, I have studied with several gifted teachers and am a certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher.  The Holistic style of the mind, body and the spirit of Reiki are beneficial to all and it is very complementary to traditional medical treatments.

What exactly is Reiki and why is it so great?

Reiki isn’t medicine—and it doesn’t treat specific symptoms or diseases. But it is a stream of intelligent energy. As such, it heads right where you need it most. 

Reiki has eliminated insomnia, bodily aches and pains, and migraine and tension headaches. It has reduced anxiety, panic attacks, and digestive issues (for example: Irritable Bowel Syndrome). It has cured eating disorders, heartache, depression, and confusion. There are no harmful side effects whatsoever because Reiki produces renewal and well-being. It can also result in healthier choices, including healthy eating, exercise, and the release of negative emotions such as anger and sadness. 

How does it work?

When the treatment begins, healing energy flows into your body. Then, it begins to expand, filling your body like a balloon, or a glass of water.  Your nerves take a rest, your muscles let go, your fascia (the tissue holding your muscles in place) relaxes. Your body shifts and “opens”—making more room for your organs, and easing your vital functions in a way that’s often palpable. This happens in your cellular memory, so the effects last for days—even weeks.

What are some typical results?

After the first session, you might feel a sense of deep relaxation. Perhaps you feel your muscles releasing so that you’re stuck to the massage table by the simple force of gravity. Perhaps the air tastes sweet (a lovely sensation). Perhaps you notice you’re breathing deeper. After the second session, you might find you are falling asleep quicker and sleeping more soundly. You might notice that you’re letting little things go and no longer obsessing over them. You might notice a new clarity at work. Lovely!! After the third session, you might marvel at your newfound acceptance of nature. You might surprise yourself by smiling a lot. You might feel simply centered, not just in your body, but in your soul. Your personal results are for you to discover. I am excited to hear about them and I can’t wait to meet you!

Where to start?

Schedule that first session.  At the first session, I would love to hear about your goals and needs and we can work out a mutually agreed upon plan for your first treatment. 

Yes, the effects of treatment can be palpable and immediate. Depending on who you are and where you are in life, just one session might deliver relaxation and a sense of serenity. You may feel energy where and when you least expect it. But to make a true change at the lasting cellular level, I may need to see more of you!  




Covid-19 Update

As of today, Governor Baker has announced the stay at home order has been extended to May 18th. I realized this can cause more stress and anxiety on ourselves and our families.

I wish I could see you all in person, but I can help by offering distance Reiki healing sessions. These can help with anxiety, general aches and pains, reduce stress, and bring us back into alignment with our body, mind, and spirit.

In a distance healing session, I will ask you to set aside about a half hour to an hour, preferably sitting or laying down to enjoy this relaxation, which allows you to get a comforting break from your day.

A 30-minute session is $30 and a 1-hour session is $50. You can book an appointment with me here or text/call my cell at (617) 640-0000. 


30 Minute Reiki Session- $45

60 Minute Reiki session- $65

90 Minute Reiki session- $90

Treatments can be at my office or in your home (mileage limitations apply, 

please inquire for details)

Certification Trainings:

Reiki 1

  • $150 Certification Usui Reiki
    • Receive a manual by William Rand
    • Learn the History of Usui Reiki
    • Receive a level One attunement – enjoy the lasting healing effects of the first initiation to Reiki
    • The ability to channel Reiki healing energy can only be passed from master to student.
    • Learn how to give a treatment and receive one in the class. Learn self treatments.
    • A full day of personal growth and healing.

Reiki 2

  • $225 Certification Usui Reiki (Pre Req Usui Reiki 1)
    • Receive Level 2 attunement – A very powerful advancement in your healing abilities.
    • Learn 3 Sacred healing symbols: Power up, Emotional, Distance
    • Practice and receive reiki
    • Learn a technique for manifesting what you want in your life.
    • A full day of personal growth and healing

Reiki 3: Advanced Reiki Training (Master)

  • $350- Certification (Pre Req Usui Reiki 2)
    • In this class, become attuned to Advanced Reiki
    • Learn how to build and use a crystal healing grid
    • Learn a powerful technique "Aura Clearing"
    • Learn a moving meditation to enhance your Reiki abilities and own personal healing

Reiki Master Teacher Training 

  • $350- Certification (Pre Req Reiki Master)
    • Receive the ability to pass Reiki on to students
    • A full Day learning how to initiate students to Reiki
    • Learn Ethics of Reiki
    • Learn how to give a healing attunement distance or in perso

Contact Me

Make an Appointment

Reiki by Kelly Hathaway

869 Main Street, Walpole, Massachusetts 02081, United States

(617) 640-0000


Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday by appointment